5 Amazing Fallon Carrington Moments Ahead Of The Return Of Dynasty On The CW

Publish date: 2024-05-04

Fallon Carrington from Dynasty is the main character in the remake, and she is played by Elizabeth Gillies. Her character is accessible to both adore and despise. She shares her millionaire father’s spitefulness and financial acumen as the daughter of millionaire Blake Carrington. Regarding her romantic relationships, Fallon is a softie at heart.

Fallon Carrington is ready to return to her former life when the fifth reboot season launches its third episode on Friday, March 11. Although this may appear to be an actual arrival, the first two episodes of Dynasty’s fifth season were already aired as a Christmas special on the CW.

Fallon’s competitiveness ensures that she can always win a debate. She will not fail to express herself adequately when the time arises, whether it is a member of her family, a partner, or a random stranger. Here are some of her most memorable CW show moments.

CW’s Dynasty’s Fallon Carrington’s most brutal moments

1) Fallon, Liam, and his child

Fallon Carrington is dissatisfied with the unexpected turn of events when Liam’s ex-girlfriend appears with a child and names him the father. She wants Liam to choose between forgetting about the child and sticking with her.

Both of these options exclude the boy’s mother from the picture. In the first episode of Season 3, dubbed Guilt Trip To Alaska, Fallon informs Blake of her plans. However, one of Fallon’s most recognizable characteristics is her propensity to criticize the very person from whom she seeks assistance.

She tells Blake that he is skilled at separating children from their mothers, having kept Fallon and her brothers separate from Alexis.

2) Fallon remarks on Blake Adam’s birthday celebration.

Blake organized a feast to celebrate Adam’s achievement, which he was thrilled about. In addition, the former stated,

“I can’t believe Dad would go through all of this for me.”

Fallon swiftly deflates Adam’s excitement by informing him that, while he was not present, Blake arranged a much better celebration for the family dog than the current one. It’s not a kind thing for a sister to say to her brother.

She states,

“Oh, please relax. We hosted a dog party last year, and it was even better.”

Blake never passes up an occasion to roast her long-lost and adored brother. As a result, the two have the ideal and most crucial brother-sister relationship.

3) Kirby Carrington betrays Fallon

In the Season 2 finale, Kirby bought Femperial from Fallon for $1 as part of a plan she developed with the latter to ruin Blake. The treachery enraged the latter. However, she outwitted Fallon and refused to relinquish ownership of the company.

Kirby’s choice to turn on Fallon came as a surprise. The betrayal makes perfect sense given their on-again, off-again connection and Fallon’s dismissal of Kirby’s intellect.

In the Season 3 Pilot episode, she approaches Kirby and conveys her thoughts. Fallon informs Kirby that her business skills are weak and that she has little chance of running the corporation successfully, stating:

“You have about the same chance of operating that company successfully as I do of running a marathon in heels.”

4) Fallon Carrington calls it quits with Liam Ridely

Fallon always makes a big deal out of the termination of a romance. Her relationship with novelist Liam Ridely, who writes under the pen name Johnny Southside, has always been turbulent. Fallon is adamant that she has had her fill with him for the time being.

She informs him that she has decided to move on with her life and does not want him to be a part of it. Fallon then mocks him, suggesting that the last portion of his alias sounds like the name of an adult-film star.

5) Cristal and Fallon’s scheme to tarnish Adam’s name

Adam Carrington, Blake and Alexis Carrington’s long-lost eldest son, is equally as cunning and manipulative as his parents. His first goal is to adopt Carrington’s surname and become Blake’s devoted son.

Adam is the most dangerous character in the series due to his medical expertise, manipulative tendencies, and artistically perverted psyche.

Fallon and Adam have never gotten along, and whenever the opportunity presents itself, she gets the upper hand on her irritating brother. In one incident, Fallon and Cristal tried to make Adam appear horrible in Blake’s eyes because he was overly obsessed with his father.

Cristal was unsure if their method would work. Fallon, on the other hand, reassures her by citing an example, saying,

“When Adam gets upset, he isn’t exactly subtle. I mean, he usually snaps in the most bizarre way possible, like slapping my face on my mother’s face.”

Fallon started her own company after being refused a key position in her father’s company. Regardless, these few Fallon Carrington moments are must-sees for fans.

There is never a dull moment with Fallon Carrington. She has a ready supply of funny remarks, the majority of which are framed as digs. Anyone who offends Fallon will have their pride shattered by the relentless entrepreneur.

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