Where Was Sex Education Filmed?

Publish date: 2024-05-04

Is Moordale from “Sex Education” a real school?

Before we can really dig into some of the best spots from the series, let’s find out if the school and surrounding town are real places. The iconic clock tower and imposing brick buildings are sure to make you ask: where is “Sex Education” filmed?

The school in the show is fictional, but the buildings that make up the exterior shots are a real former school. According to Cosmopolitan, the actual school is the Caerleon Campus in South Wales, which was once part of the University of Wales but closed in 2016.

Thankfully, this worked out well for “Sex Education” and made it much easier to film there. It would be hard to imagine the show without the clock tower overseeing the grounds!

Where did they film Otis and Jean’s house in “Sex Education”?

One of the most beautiful buildings that we see in the show, the red chalet that Jean owns is a fan favorite.

White House Glamping reports that the home is in Symonds Yat and overlooks the beautiful Wye River. They also tell us that the home can be visited for yourself!

As it turns out, “The Chalet” is a B&B that you can book and stay in. As you can see from their website, the owners of the home are proud to be recognized for the series. Although only the exteriors were used for shooting, you should definitely try to stay at this stunning red chalet if you have the opportunity!

Notable “Sex Education” filming locations in Tintern and Llandogo

The River Wye and its surrounding area feature prominently in the show and feel like a love letter to the bucolic area. Seeing all of these memorable locations is sure to spur the question: where is “Sex Education” filmed?

Visit Dean and Wye states that much of the filming takes place in Tintern and Llandogo in Monmouthshire. One of these locations is the bridge that Otis and Eric cross on their way to school every day. This is the old Wireworks Bridge in Tintern. You can find it on the Wye Valley Greenway, which is a five-mile stretch of shared-use path.

In Llandogo, you’ll find Browns Village Stores, the local shop where several of the characters in the show work. Apparently, this is more than just a fictional location cooked up for the series. Visit Dean and Wye reports that: “With the shop’s original signage remaining in place for filming, they have reported many people coming in having recognised the location from the series.”
