The Meaning Behind The Song: Nr vi tv blir en by Gyllene Tider

Publish date: 2024-05-05


I have always been fascinated by the power of music to evoke emotions and capture moments in time. One song that has been particularly meaningful to me is “När vi två blir en” by Gyllene Tider. Released in 1981, this Swedish pop-rock tune holds a special place in my heart due to its catchy melody and heartfelt lyrics.

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The Lyrics: A yearning for connection

The lyrics of “När vi två blir en” reflect the universal desire for emotional connection and intimacy. The song explores the difficulty of expressing one’s true feelings to another person, despite the seemingly effortless nature of casual encounters. The opening verse touches on the challenges of conveying one’s thoughts and emotions honestly, without resorting to superficial small talk.

The chorus is where the true heart of the song lies. It communicates a deep yearning for physical and emotional closeness. The protagonist longs to feel their partner’s body against their own, to hear their heartbeat, and to have their lips pressed tightly together. This intense desire is accompanied by a realization that the bond between them is a mutual one – a shared connection that transcends words. The repetition of the line “När vi två blir en” emphasizes the desire for unity and oneness in the relationship.

In the second verse, the song takes us on a journey through cityscapes, nights out, and attempts at communication. It highlights the struggle of expressing genuine thoughts and emotions to someone we care about. Yet, amidst the flow of meaningless words, the mention of Gyllene Tider – a Swedish rock band that also happens to be the songwriter’s group – adds an element of nostalgia and personal touch to the lyrics.

Personal Reflections

“När vi två blir en” has been a part of my own musical journey for many years. I first discovered Gyllene Tider’s music when I stumbled upon their greatest hits compilation. Since then, this particular song has resonated with me on multiple occasions.

Listening to “När vi två blir en” while taking a walk in the park, I often find myself reflecting on the complexities of human relationships. The lyrics serve as a reminder of the importance of genuine communication and vulnerability in forging deep connections with others. The yearning expressed in the song also reminds me that it is natural to desire both physical and emotional closeness in a loving relationship.

I often find myself listening to this song while working, playing a game, or watching a football match. Its upbeat tempo and infectious melody bring a sense of joy and nostalgia to these activities, creating a perfect soundtrack for moments of productivity or leisure.


As I delve into the meaning behind “När vi två blir en” by Gyllene Tider, I am reminded of the timeless nature of music. The song’s exploration of the difficulties in expressing true emotions and the yearning for deep connection resonates with listeners of all generations. Whether enjoying the song’s catchy melody or reflecting on its heartfelt lyrics, “När vi två blir en” continues to hold a special place in the hearts of many, including mine.
