Why The Hosts Of Mythbusters Aren't Friends In Real Life

Publish date: 2024-05-06

Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman aren't exactly buddies. One might think that working together closely on a widely-watched show for more than a decade would lead to a tight bond, but what happened between them is the complete opposite.

"[Our relationship has] radically changed, but it's also stayed the same. Jamie and I make no bones about the fact that we're not friends," Savage told Business Insider in 2016. "We don't get along very well together on a personal level. In 25 years we've known each other, we've never had dinner alone together. We do not choose to hang out if we don't have to be in proximity, and yet, there's a couple of things that happened, and they're pretty remarkable."

But even if this is the case, the co-hosts made it work because they respected each other's jobs. "We challenge each other, we push each other to do better, we pick each other's ideas apart," Savage added. "There's a real integrity to that process, as annoying as it might be on the temporal level." While they may not be each other's favorite person, it's fortunate that they could play nicely for the sake of the show.
