Aaron Taylor-Johnson and wife

Publish date: 2024-05-07

He s 26, she's 49. So this is another Hugh Jackman type thing?

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by Anonymousreply 168October 9, 2022 4:18 AM

He looks absolutely gorgeous tonight. His speech to his wife was very heartfelt. He's going to win a whole new batch of female fans after that speech.

I wanted Mahershala Ali to win but I thought Aaron gave a nice speech.

by Anonymousreply 1January 9, 2017 1:20 AM

2 are step kids from her prior marriage.

by Anonymousreply 5January 9, 2017 1:28 AM

I'm sure there will be more kids. I mean, if I was her, I would be jumping him every night.

by Anonymousreply 6January 9, 2017 1:29 AM

I don't know, did Aaron lose his mother early, as Hugh did?

by Anonymousreply 7January 9, 2017 1:30 AM

Well, they've been married since he was 21

by Anonymousreply 8January 9, 2017 1:31 AM

He just won a Golden Globe

by Anonymousreply 9January 9, 2017 1:32 AM

Do the Jackmans have kids? As much as I lust after Aaron, I believe he's thoroughly straight.

by Anonymousreply 10January 9, 2017 1:34 AM

I read that she said he delivered their kids at home. I can't believe a doctor OKd that, at the age she must have been at the time, it had to be considered a high-risk pregnancy. And she had her child bride "deliver" them? They're all lucky it turned out OK.

by Anonymousreply 11January 9, 2017 1:38 AM

He exudes pure sex. Lucky woman.

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by Anonymousreply 12January 9, 2017 1:42 AM

Pretty boy has mother issues.

by Anonymousreply 13January 9, 2017 1:43 AM

I know a guy in a relationship like this, except they're not married. She is basically his mother and neither of them minds that arrangement.

by Anonymousreply 14January 9, 2017 1:46 AM

[quote]Do the Jackmans have kids?

Adopted, I think. Cuz, ya know, Hugh doesn't much like the vaginas.

by Anonymousreply 15January 9, 2017 1:46 AM

[post redacted because linking to dailymail.co.uk clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.) Our advice is that you just ignore this poster but whatever you do, don't click on any link to this putrid rag.]

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by Anonymousreply 16January 9, 2017 1:47 AM

When she taught him to call her Mommie Dearest....

....she wanted him to MEAN it.

by Anonymousreply 17January 9, 2017 1:50 AM

Tom and Lance have nothing on these two.

by Anonymousreply 18January 9, 2017 2:02 AM

That is one lucky bitch. He plays a monster in Nocturnal Animals but is so fucking hot and appears very nearly naked. Tom Ford was clearly getting off on this guy.

by Anonymousreply 20January 9, 2017 2:14 AM

There's no way this guy isn't getting some on the side.

by Anonymousreply 21January 9, 2017 2:15 AM

It's strange.

If I was 43 and fell in love with a 19 year old, I think I'd feel wrong about marrying him (and I'm a guy, so it's not like he'd be knocking me up.)

There would be a part of me that felt like I was taking his childhood away and that he was too young to really know his own mind.

Do you all agree or am I being overanalytical?

by Anonymousreply 22January 9, 2017 2:21 AM

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by Anonymousreply 23January 9, 2017 2:24 AM

Classic bearding situation! In fact, I've never seen a more BLATANT case in my life!!

by Anonymousreply 24January 9, 2017 2:25 AM

[quote]If I was 43 and fell in love with a 19 year old, I think I'd feel wrong about marrying him (and I'm a guy, so it's not like he'd be knocking me up.)

A woman would have no qualms.

by Anonymousreply 25January 9, 2017 2:25 AM

[quote]Classic bearding situation! In fact, I've never seen a more BLATANT case in my life!!

Here we go. 24 responses before he's labeled a homosexual by a homosexual.

by Anonymousreply 26January 9, 2017 2:26 AM

It's DL, R26-- everyone north of Danny DeVito is gay.

But why would a woman have no qualms, R25?

Would you?

by Anonymousreply 27January 9, 2017 2:27 AM

LISTEN UP R27! He's not a DEVIANT!

by Anonymousreply 28January 9, 2017 2:28 AM

There are stars on her dress in the OP pic.

They must not know any homosexuals to help them out with these things, unless Tom Ford is dressing her ironically.

by Anonymousreply 29January 9, 2017 2:29 AM

Oh, you agree with me, R27. Nevermind. My bad.

by Anonymousreply 30January 9, 2017 2:29 AM

R26, actually I'm not a homosexual. I'm a straight woman. I'm just not blind-- or stupid for that matter! LOL

And yes, Hugh Jackman's kids are adopted. He's gay. His wife is twice his age. And this is another obvious case. Let's move on to the next one folks!!

by Anonymousreply 31January 9, 2017 2:31 AM

We have a "homosexual" troll here begging to be blocked.

by Anonymousreply 32January 9, 2017 2:33 AM

[quote]They must not know any homosexuals to help them out with these things,

She was always a total faghag friend-wise.

Elton John's best gurl at his wedding etc...

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by Anonymousreply 33January 9, 2017 2:33 AM

That pic at R23 was from when he was filming Anna Karenina. He was sexy as hell in that movie.

Unlike Jackman, I don't think he's gay. i just think he's got mommy issues.

by Anonymousreply 34January 9, 2017 2:34 AM

Milf porn is very popular among young straight guys, I've seen lots of young men late teens/early twenties on tinder looking for older women.

by Anonymousreply 35January 9, 2017 2:34 AM

[quote][R26], actually I'm not a homosexual. I'm a straight woman.

Then go away.

You're not wanted here.

by Anonymousreply 36January 9, 2017 2:34 AM

r36 be careful she will transition into a man and demand we all fuck her

by Anonymousreply 37January 9, 2017 2:36 AM

Neither are you R36 aka "homosexual" troll. Blocked.

by Anonymousreply 38January 9, 2017 2:36 AM

Yes R35-- for a one-night stand because they know the older women won't expect anything from them beyond sex whereas girls their own age will want relationships. And because "cougars" have a reputation for being "wild in bed."

They do not, in any way, shape or form, want to fall in love with them and marry them.

by Anonymousreply 39January 9, 2017 2:37 AM

R29 is right, that dress in OP is inexcusable.

She is in good shape for her age, one must admit.

by Anonymousreply 40January 9, 2017 2:38 AM

[quote]Neither are you [R36] aka "homosexual" troll. Blocked.

Oh, God a 'you're blocked' troll.

I may start crying.

by Anonymousreply 41January 9, 2017 2:38 AM

[quote]Unlike Jackman, I don't think he's gay.

Careful, gurl. R38 will 'block' you for ruining his dreams.

by Anonymousreply 42January 9, 2017 2:44 AM

R39, exactly! She is either a beard, someone who helped him get his acting career, or both!

by Anonymousreply 43January 9, 2017 2:44 AM

[quote] I'm sure there will be more kids. I mean, if I was her, I would be jumping him every night.

She's 49 and according to the experts here 50 yr old woman cannot and do not give birth to children.

by Anonymousreply 44January 9, 2017 2:46 AM

That's some bearding they're doing then. Married for five years and two children! - & both very pro-gay.

by Anonymousreply 45January 9, 2017 2:48 AM

R45, Jimmy Fallon has 2 children, what does that prove?

by Anonymousreply 46January 9, 2017 2:51 AM

He maybe needed a partner mature enough to emotionally support him. Young chicks by and large are self obsessed. She most likely wanted a hot young stud to fuck. Win/win

by Anonymousreply 47January 9, 2017 2:53 AM

R46 Gay men have lots of sperms.

by Anonymousreply 48January 9, 2017 2:53 AM

[quote]She most likely wanted a hot young stud to fuck.

Gee!! You think?

by Anonymousreply 49January 9, 2017 2:55 AM

R25, No way. Had the opportunities and no thanks. Don't want to raise a kid. Didn't like men that young even when I was that same age.

by Anonymousreply 50January 9, 2017 3:01 AM

Who gives a fuck about the age difference? Since when is age parity a guarantee that a couple will work? If they're happy it's all that matters.

by Anonymousreply 51January 9, 2017 3:34 AM

The word is he like men on the side - the wife is connected and got him famous.

by Anonymousreply 52January 9, 2017 3:34 AM

R52, that makes the most sense! Anyone who thinks this is "true love" needs their head examined.

by Anonymousreply 53January 9, 2017 3:47 AM

I don't know. I'm 56 and my partner of 4 years is 31. We have a great relationship.

by Anonymousreply 54January 9, 2017 3:57 AM

Aaron will move on in a few years when Sam is in the throes of menopause a la Ashton and Demi.

by Anonymousreply 56January 9, 2017 4:21 AM

R56 Yep, just wait until he hits his mid-life crisis, then it will be Sam who? Even having kids together won't help.

by Anonymousreply 57January 9, 2017 4:28 AM

Hopefully she takes down his knickers, bends him over and spanks him on his beautiful bare behind when he misbehaves. Wink.

by Anonymousreply 58January 9, 2017 5:27 AM

can someone say mommy issues?

or is she super rich?

by Anonymousreply 59January 9, 2017 5:30 AM

she's pushed out 4 kids? no way her loose as fuck vag can satisfy a hot young stud like him...he's definitely banging someone on the side.

by Anonymousreply 60January 9, 2017 5:33 AM

Has he ever heard of a condom? He's chav trash. She has mental issues. Had a nervous breakdown years ago. He's a druggie.

by Anonymousreply 61January 9, 2017 5:34 AM

As is the case with most child actors, his parents are awful. He wanted a mother who would really love him, and she was willing. No big surprising story here.

by Anonymousreply 62January 9, 2017 5:34 AM

For me, it's not the age difference; it's that she's a doppelganger of Shelley Duvall.

by Anonymousreply 63January 9, 2017 5:37 AM

I'm 29 and my boyfriend is 19. We don't really care what people think.

by Anonymousreply 64January 9, 2017 5:57 AM

I was skeptical at first, but they seem to be very much in love. The issue I think people have is that he was like 17/18 when they got together and she was 42/43. That's very creepy. If he was at least mid-20s when it started it wouldn't be nearly as off-putting.

by Anonymousreply 65January 9, 2017 6:10 AM

In that pic at R23 he looks like Young Frankenstein

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by Anonymousreply 66January 9, 2017 6:22 AM

I admire his successful marriage so much. Winning a Golden Globe is hard!

by Anonymousreply 67January 9, 2017 10:54 AM

[quote] The issue I think people have is that he was like 17/18 when they got together and she was 42/43.

She would have been arrested in California for sexual molestation.

Now, if she looked like Jennifer Lopez, I could understand the attraction but she is very plain. I guess she has a nice personality. I saw an interview after Fifty Shades and she's very bright and personable.

by Anonymousreply 68January 9, 2017 11:08 AM

Pretty hard looking for 26, Aaron.

by Anonymousreply 69January 9, 2017 11:21 AM

I don't know why everyone is besotted with Aaron, I find her a lot more fascinating. She went from being a incey-wincey 'artist' to pairing up with an aristocratic art dealer Jay Joplin; later divorcing him; beating cancer twice to getting a second life as a Hollywood power player as a film director. She's amazing.

by Anonymousreply 70January 9, 2017 12:00 PM

He's the male Pia Zadora.

by Anonymousreply 71January 9, 2017 4:34 PM

[quote]I don't know why everyone is besotted with Aaron

Maybe because he looks so fantastic?

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by Anonymousreply 72January 9, 2017 5:27 PM

I can't imagine wanting to be tied down so young, let alone having FOUR children by your mid 20s, but it does seem to have agreed with both of them.

by Anonymousreply 73January 9, 2017 5:29 PM

She's mega rich from her divorce, he got with her before his career took off. You do the math. There's plenty of straight guy's who take advantage of old rich hags and this is one of those situations. Although I did hear he and rdj fooled around when they were shooting that crap avengers.

by Anonymousreply 74January 9, 2017 5:46 PM

Hey, R75 - come to bed, gurl.

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by Anonymousreply 76January 9, 2017 6:01 PM

[quote]It's DL, R26-- everyone north of Danny DeVito is gay.

R27 - just had to throw some W&W your way. "north of Danny DeVito" made me genuinely LOL.

by Anonymousreply 78January 9, 2017 6:27 PM

His brother, Kristian >>

I always find Jews called Kristian or Christian bizarre.

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by Anonymousreply 80January 9, 2017 7:11 PM

I have met both of them. It is not a beard situation at all. I get no gay vibe from him at all . Most of the times , he keeps a very grungy/ dirty appearance. When I was first introduced. I thought she was his mother , but I soon saw how they act towards each other. I think he has mother issues, and is just attracted to older women. They are both low key with great humor.

by Anonymousreply 81January 9, 2017 7:47 PM

R11, I find that terribly creepy for some reason.

by Anonymousreply 82January 9, 2017 8:15 PM

[quote]she's pushed out 4 kids? no way her loose as fuck vag can satisfy a hot young stud like him...he's definitely banging someone on the side.

Are we going to pretend like most entertainment industry marriages are strictly monogamous? No reason to assume Aaron and his wife are.

by Anonymousreply 83January 9, 2017 8:37 PM

R80: actually that's *her* gay brother, his brother-in-law:

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by Anonymousreply 84January 9, 2017 8:49 PM

It's a bit confusing when he refers to Aaron as his 'bro'.

How do you know Kristian's gay? & where did he get all those kids? the tooth fairy?

by Anonymousreply 85January 9, 2017 8:56 PM

The creep factor for me, is how young he was when it happened. 18 and 42 is fucking creepy. At 18, you haven't lived or experienced adulthood.

If they had gotten together at 30 and 54, It would've been odd, but no one could say he was a kid.

by Anonymousreply 86January 9, 2017 9:13 PM

For the info of our visiting straight woman, Hugh Jackman is 48, his missus is 61. Not twice his age. Mrs Jackman is much prettier than Mrs. Taylor Johnson but frankly I wish them all well, gay or straight, I don't give a fuck.

by Anonymousreply 88January 9, 2017 10:11 PM

Lol r87, beyond words because it is a laughable.

Aaron Taylor-Johnson winning that award is a textbook example of how much of a joke the Globes can be.

by Anonymousreply 89January 9, 2017 10:13 PM

Whats the story about his "brother"? The Instagram in R80 says his name is "Sam Taylor-Johnson". But Taylor Johnson" is the married name of Aaron and his wife (they combined names). And now R84's post says a different name.

by Anonymousreply 90January 9, 2017 11:08 PM

Sam Taylor-Johnson is Aaron's wife.

by Anonymousreply 91January 9, 2017 11:17 PM

If he fixes up his British accent (make it higher class), he could be the next James Bond.

by Anonymousreply 93January 10, 2017 3:24 AM

Here she is wearing something nicer than the Star Dress in OP's pic.

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by Anonymousreply 94January 10, 2017 4:02 AM

She still looks like his mom. But as long as they are both happy.

by Anonymousreply 95January 10, 2017 4:46 AM

No, that's HER mom. Very confusing.

[quote]If he fixes up his British accent (make it higher class), he could be the next James Bond.

Up until not that many years ago he would have sorted that out by now. Anyway, GREAT idea. Even I'd go.

by Anonymousreply 96January 10, 2017 9:53 AM

Aaron is an AWFUL name. One of the worst.

by Anonymousreply 97January 10, 2017 9:54 AM

R60, Don't know why you would mistakenly think a woman in 2017 would have a loose vagina just because she's had multiple pregnancies. Even if they were all vaginal births many women "get stiched up" by their doctors afterwards to regain their pre-pregnancy shape. That's if doing Kegel exercises on a regular basis isn't sufficient.

by Anonymousreply 98January 10, 2017 10:10 AM

R98, it shows you R60 is posting from some small village in the sticks in the Midwest. Definitely not from the 21st century.

by Anonymousreply 99January 10, 2017 12:41 PM

I really hate Tom Ford, so I haven't seen the movie but from the previews, it looks like ATJ is copying the performance of every hot actor playing a sociopath. Cigarettes, wifebeater, long stringy hair, emoting via simmering rage with sultry--yet crazy--eyes etc.

Is that accurate?

by Anonymousreply 100January 10, 2017 12:59 PM

Everyone is acting like she rushed the kids to rope him in, when it's not like she could wait long if he ever wanted kids and they wanted to be together. She had to get that out of the way, asap.

Mama got something, though. That man is an angel.

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by Anonymousreply 101January 10, 2017 1:56 PM

Sat next to them at PIE HOLE in DTLA. He is fucking gorgeous in real life, too, and they looked very in love. Im serious. Made me jealous!

by Anonymousreply 102January 10, 2017 2:18 PM

R102, no gay vibes from him in person? (please say yes!) Lol.

by Anonymousreply 104January 11, 2017 2:10 AM

Where's R102 when we need him?

by Anonymousreply 105January 11, 2017 8:04 PM

I guess he is either gay,or a very emotional type. How else can explain his marriage to this woman? Whoa...

by Anonymousreply 107January 14, 2017 1:38 PM

In the R106 video he comes off as more confident than she is. Strange.

by Anonymousreply 109January 14, 2017 1:43 PM

Maybe he finds insecure women sexy.

by Anonymousreply 110January 14, 2017 1:50 PM

His voice is quite high in that video. And its funny how the gay interviewer tries to flirt with him at the end.

by Anonymousreply 111January 14, 2017 2:01 PM

She's rich, powerful, and charismatic. That would be enough for a lot of ambitious young actors of both sexes.

by Anonymousreply 112January 14, 2017 4:29 PM

Watching the clip at R106 it's interesting. I could see the pairing more if she were obviously a sexy older woman, but she's quite unsexy, and does come across more as his mom. He, of course, is gorgeous as always.

by Anonymousreply 113January 14, 2017 4:50 PM

She resembles Heather Mills at best but seems kind of homely in most pictures. That plus + catching him at 18 and making kids is odd. If he's straight.

by Anonymousreply 114January 14, 2017 5:13 PM

He wanted to fuck mommy, is there a problem?

by Anonymousreply 115January 14, 2017 5:20 PM

R112, powerful in what sense?

Is she rich, by the way?

by Anonymousreply 116January 15, 2017 12:40 PM

R116 she bought herself a 10 million pound house in London. She paid it in lump sum by the way, no mortgage or instalment bullshit- just upfront! And you don't think she is rich?

And powerful as in the late Antony Minghella (Oscar-winning director/producer of 'The English Patient' , 'Cold Mountain' and 'Talented Mr. Ripley') seeing 'her work' (which by the way I don't think is that unique) and asking her if she fancied doing a feature film? Just like that, you are on a first-name basis with Oscar-winning producers who encourage you to make films. And you don't think that is called being influential or powerful?

Maybe you have access to all of this R116 and you think it's pretty normal. I don't

by Anonymousreply 117January 15, 2017 3:19 PM

Has anyone seen the movie they've "met" on, Nowhere Boy?

Seems like this fits the theme here:

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by Anonymousreply 118January 15, 2017 3:51 PM

I'm 38 and I wouldn't even want to date a 25 year-old because it would just feel too weird. An 18 year-old would just be pervy and kind of sick.

by Anonymousreply 119January 15, 2017 4:00 PM

Would you say this photo reflects their age gap?

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by Anonymousreply 120January 15, 2017 4:05 PM

They look and behave the same age, so give it a rest DL

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by Anonymousreply 121January 15, 2017 4:10 PM

R117, actually i was clueless and not sarcastic before, when i asked about it. I had no idea, that's why i asked!

Interesting reply.

by Anonymousreply 122January 15, 2017 8:24 PM

[quote][R116] she bought herself a 10 million pound house in London. She paid it in lump sum by the way, no mortgage or instalment bullshit- just upfront! And you don't think she is rich?

Really? I thought they were fed up with London and England and were having trouble renting the place they already have there.

by Anonymousreply 123January 15, 2017 8:30 PM

[post redacted because linking to dailymail.co.uk clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.) Our advice is that you just ignore this poster but whatever you do, don't click on any link to this putrid rag.]

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by Anonymousreply 124January 15, 2017 8:32 PM

They went on a search for a new house in 2015 - a dozen fab pix >>

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by Anonymousreply 125January 15, 2017 8:36 PM

Nothing wrong with a 23 year difference per se. Not for my tastes though. But a good friend of mine - I recall many years ago at my wedding - he LOVED older women. In his 20's he'd regularly bag women in their 30's and 40's, including my ex mother in law,

by Anonymousreply 126January 15, 2017 8:37 PM

She really is homely as fuck.

by Anonymousreply 128January 15, 2017 8:56 PM

R121, I'm not against them, but let's be real here, they don't look the same age. She's not a Jennifer Lopez/Jennifer Aniston/Rachel Weisz/Naomi Watts looking 40-something. She looks her age and is homely.

by Anonymousreply 129January 15, 2017 9:15 PM

I haven't read this thread, but from what I understand, these two are the real deal.

by Anonymousreply 130January 15, 2017 9:15 PM

I saw them at the farmers market in Hollywood this morning. Him: great upper body; bagy jeans, so I could not get a good sense of the ass; buzz cut and young looking; wore sunglasses. Her: let's just say she photographs EXTTEMELY well; wore ill fitting jeans, not even a good body; short; I give her props for aging fairly naturally.

by Anonymousreply 131January 15, 2017 9:15 PM

Didn't she leave her husband for him? I don't see how this one would be a bearding situation--she's not an actor and he was too young to need a wife-beard--could have just done the dating thing. I think they're just one of those weird couples that happens sometimes.

by Anonymousreply 133January 15, 2017 9:27 PM

[102] here...

i was in line with just him and i could not take my eyes off him. sexy as fuck and just beautiful up close. no gay vibe whats so ever. just having coffee together and very very into each other. he could easily fuck anyone, of any gender, anytime. he is that gorgeous. But they seemed legit.

by Anonymousreply 134January 18, 2017 2:11 PM

sorry... [102] here again. I also wanted to say that she is not ugly. At least not to me standing one foot from her.. She is a very accomplished artist and mother, not like some plastic surgery addicted 18 year old that we are used to seeing on reality shows. Perhaps that has skewed our idea of what a real person looks like?I, for one, find it awesome that she is unapologetically who she is, and he loves her for it. BRAVO.

by Anonymousreply 135January 18, 2017 3:09 PM

R100 Yes, but I had the feeling he had never been to Texas, where it is set. He played a generic version.

by Anonymousreply 136January 18, 2017 5:28 PM

Will this marriage last for life is the question...

What do you think?

by Anonymousreply 137January 18, 2017 6:22 PM

They might--mostly because she's had cancer twice--colon cancer and breast cancer. I don't think she'll be particularly long-lived.

by Anonymousreply 139February 8, 2017 2:36 AM

Sorry, but if a 42 year old guy dated a 18 year old girl he would be labelled a perv by most. How is it a woman can get away with it? ATJ seems like a hot mess, I fail to see the 'romance' of it all. CAR CRASH!!

by Anonymousreply 140July 26, 2017 9:35 AM

Just don't introduce him to Macron's wife. Although, he's probably way too old for her now.

by Anonymousreply 141July 26, 2017 9:51 AM

I think she'll get really nervous once he reaches 30.

by Anonymousreply 142July 26, 2017 10:02 AM

I expect she already has good reason to be worried. I mean he's in his mid 20s with loads of opportunities to fuck hot girls, I am sure he's taken full advantage, even if he does love her.

by Anonymousreply 143July 27, 2017 12:08 PM

Something is very off, mostly because of how young he was when they met.

Seriously, if one of us had a friend who was 41 and told us "hey, I just met an 18 year old and he's the love of my life" you'd talk him down. If nothing else, it's unfair to the 18 year old, who doesn't get a chance to experience life.

And there's no way it's an equal relationship of any sort at that age.

The age gap doesn't bother me, it's the age at which she found him. Teens, boys in particular, are not fully formed people at 17 or 18.

by Anonymousreply 144July 27, 2017 12:14 PM

Ibet she is the boss of the relationship, he comes of as shy and a bit fey. I can imagine that she saw what she liked and took it. If she was a man I'd think the same. Its a sickening double standard. On other sites you get young girls saying how 'romantic' it is mainly becuase the older one's a female, reverse the gender and I guarentee theyd be 'ewww what a dirty old man'

by Anonymousreply 145July 27, 2017 12:28 PM

Agreed about gender switch R145

Again, if it started when one was 26 and the other 49, it's a bit odd, but they're both fully formed adults.

An 18 year old being seduced by a 41 year old.

Creepy AF

by Anonymousreply 146July 27, 2017 12:31 PM

It is creepy. I think some people don't believe women can be predatory.

by Anonymousreply 147July 27, 2017 12:52 PM

[quote]An 18 year old being seduced by a 41 year old. Creepy AF

Mais non!!

by Anonymousreply 148July 27, 2017 12:56 PM

He's fabulous looking - but when he opens his mouth he seems whiny and insipid.

as my mother used to say "His looks belie him".

by Anonymousreply 149July 27, 2017 1:29 PM

If he's too thick, he may hurt her when he has sex with her. It's a real concern with older women.

by Anonymousreply 150July 27, 2017 2:02 PM

What's that mean on his shirt?

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by Anonymousreply 151July 27, 2017 2:51 PM

It's the complex hand movements he uses to get his wife's dry old dusty pussy open every night.

by Anonymousreply 152July 27, 2017 2:56 PM

I'm sure they are as monogamous as most entertainment industry relationships. Aka they are not.

by Anonymousreply 154July 27, 2017 3:08 PM

I didn't know that he is Jewish.

by Anonymousreply 155July 27, 2017 3:26 PM

Mme. Macron had the good taste to wait until her youngster was 29 to lock him down in marriage.

by Anonymousreply 156July 27, 2017 3:27 PM

Agree with R74, R112 / R117. He wouldn’t have looked at her twice – if she wasn’t a VERY RICH FILM DIRECTOR. He was her favorite protégé actor in her John Lennon biopic – she took him under her wing & is most likely helping with his career.

Not saying he doesn’t love her. But it’s the same kind of attraction as when beautiful starlets find themselves drawn to rich, successful film directors (who are old enough to be their fathers).

Some of those young stars truly believe they love those powerhouse men. But take away the mens’ fortune / power as an initial factor, and the attraction might have never happened.

If he met her on set not as his film’s Director, but as a makeup artist or simple accountant (who’s also more than twice his age) – doubt he would have fallen for her.

by Anonymousreply 157July 27, 2017 3:31 PM

[quote]Mme. Macron had the good taste to wait until her youngster was 29 to lock him down in marriage.

Mme. Macron dumped her husband and three children to run off to Paris to be with 17 year old Macron.

by Anonymousreply 158July 27, 2017 3:32 PM

So there you have it. Women can be predatory too. So why the annoying double standard? Men are seen as dirty leeches who do this and women should be regarded the same. You can use words like love but it's the same thing. He was 18 for christ sake. A man would rightly be called out for that, even by other men. However this relationship is the real deal? Women can be so contradictory.

by Anonymousreply 159July 27, 2017 3:46 PM

Wasn't she effectively his boss / creative superior when the relationship started to 'bloom'?

I want to marry my geriatric boss too. He'll spoil me with his love & care. And I can live in his sweet luxury pad too. In return, I'll treat him with heartfelt devotion, adoration & sexual passion. That old dear.

And for as long as he continues to be rich & caring, I'll continue to be devoted.

That's how it works, folks.

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by Anonymousreply 160July 27, 2017 4:16 PM

R153, is that gang sign for LA?

by Anonymousreply 162July 27, 2017 8:24 PM

Twitter is saying they are getting a divorce

by Anonymousreply 163April 27, 2021 8:06 PM

Let's get real, someone like him is not going to be faithful to his mom wife and he's not going to grow old with her. This is a panic divorce.

by Anonymousreply 164April 27, 2021 10:20 PM

[quote]Twitter is saying they are getting a divorce

Because Twitter hates the two of them together because he's young and hot with a big dick and she's old.

[quote]someone like him is not going to be faithful to his mom wife and he's not going to grow old with her.

She groomed him and with that deep psychological damage I'd have a hard time believing he'd leave or cheat easily unless someone (if he is getting a divorce) helped him break free or she okayed it.

by Anonymousreply 165April 27, 2021 10:27 PM

I wonder whether his dick was this big when they met, or if she watched it grow?

by Anonymousreply 166April 27, 2021 10:58 PM

I watched Bullet Train this evening. Aaron Taylor - Johnson, is just gorgeous. He's so fucking gorgeous. Brad Pitt is too, and I also like Hiroyuki Sanada too, he's still so handsome too. The movie is pretty good, and I think the cast had great chemistry, but ATJ, really had my attention in this. He wears a suit very well, I bet he looks great out of it too.

by Anonymousreply 167October 9, 2022 4:08 AM

Child stars who want to get out of their caretakers'/parents' control often marry too early as a way to get out (think of Macauley Culkin's or Judy Garland's or "Dainty" June Havoc's early marriages).

Usually those early child-star marriages fall apart quickly. But ATJ married an older woman (rather than an age peer like the others) whom he can use as a mother-substitute, so it's lasting much longer.

He would likely have had a much bigger career had he not married her, since he's done more projects with her since their marriage that have bombed and cost him prestige. But I think he's probably much more interested in being in a new family than being a movie star.

by Anonymousreply 168October 9, 2022 4:18 AM
