De-reverb [STD & ADV] - RX 7 Help

Publish date: 2024-05-07

Table of Contents

Module & Plug-in


De-reverb gives you control over the amount of ambient space captured in a recording. It can make large cathedrals sound like small halls and make roomy vocals sound like they were recorded in a treated space.

De-reverb processes audio according to the reverberant/direct ratio (also known as wet/dry ratio) detected in the signal. It can learn your audio to suggest some frequency and decay time settings, or you can estimate these yourself.


More Information

What are early Reflections?

Early reflections are the rapid echoes of a direct sound from a nearby surface. They are often distinct from the rest of a reverberant tail because they have a lot of energy but end quickly. Early reflections typically comprise the first 5 to 100 milliseconds of a reverb tail.

Using De-reverb as a real-time plug-in

Tips for Learning a Reverb Profile

Visual Example of De-reverb processing

De-reverb has the effect of sharpening a signal in time. You can see this transition in the spectrogram: reverberant audio looks blurred, and cleaned audio appears more focused.
Here, a recording of a distant speaker (left) has had its long tails processed (center) before another De-reverb pass with shorter tail lengths to tackle the early reflections (right):
Left: Recording of distant speaker Center: Long tails processed with de-reverb Right: Second pass with De-reverb with shorter tails

Tips for dealing with complicated reverbs

If the audio you are working with has a very complex reverb, such as a reverb with apparent early reflections, you may get better results after trying a few passes of De-reverb.

  • First, start by training the De-reverb and set the Reduction amount to a value that yields good results on the long reverberant tail.
  • After processing, Learn a new reverb profile and try reducing the level of early reflections: set the Tail Length control to 0.5, Artifact Smoothing around 3.0, and increase Reduction.
  • A combination of De-reverb and Spectral De-noise can be used to tame very reverberant signals. It does not matter whether you process with De-reverb or Spectral De-noise first.
  • Alternative Modules

    For reverb reduction specifically tailored to dialogue, try using the Dialogue De-reverb module in RX 7 Advanced.
